The Catholic Church recognizes and celebrates seven sacraments. These sacraments, which Christ himself instituted, are about God's continual and loving involvement in our lives.
Baptism Through Baptism, we become members of the Church, are washed clean of original sin, and are moved by the Holy Spirit to respond to God's call to holiness. For infant baptism, parents may call the church (preferably one to two months before the baby is born) to complete paperwork, prep material, and set the date. When choosing godparents for your child, at least one of the godparents must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic, age 16 or older.
Reconciliation During Reconciliation, we experience God’s unlimited mercy and unconditional forgiveness. Through this beautiful sacrament, God forgives the confessor's sins and reconciles himself/herself to the Church. Regular confession time at OLPH is Saturday from 4 to 4:30 p.m., at Sacred Heart on Sunday from 8-8:30 a.m., and by appointment.
Holy Eucharist We receive Jesus's body and blood in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is celebrated at each Mass and is available to all Catholics who have received this sacrament. First Holy Communion is celebrated at OLPH in second grade.
Confirmation High school seniors are invited to reaffirm their baptismal promises through the sacrament of Confirmation. During Confirmation, participants receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and a special blessing with oil. Students prepare during CCD.
Holy Matrimony Through Holy Matrimony, one man and one woman permanently unite their free, total, faithful, and fruitful love for each other, representative of Christ's love for the Church. As soon as your engagement is announced, please contact OLPH to set a date and begin preparation. Preparation includes pre-marital counseling sessions, retreat opportunities, and Natural Family Planning education, all aimed at enhancing love and understanding of each other and the sacrament.
Holy Orders Please pray for vocations -- more priests, brothers, and sisters. There are many opportunities to serve through priesthood or another religious vocation. If you, or someone you know may be interested in religious life, you can give their name to Fr. Scott so that s/he may be prayed for and contacted.
Anointing of the Sick This sacrament, also known as Last Rites, is for people who are ill and for the forgiveness of sins. In a special way, it is a sacrament of healing and life. We encourage family members, friends, or others to contact Fr. Scott or the church office when loved ones are sick, whether life-threatening or not, or in the hospital.
Worship, prayer, and the sacraments are cornerstones of our Catholic faith. We grow in understanding, love, faith, and wisdom, as well as express our gratitude, through participating.